Mary Gough

Mary passed away this year at the age of 99. She had buried her husband, her sister and her only son, and few of her friends were still alive.
Her eyesight, too, had all but left her. Still, she persevered; she found the good, the hopeful, the joy in whatever each day might bring.
Mary could barely see her glossy, silver Epiphany star. Nearly blind, she certainly couldn’t read the word that was printed on it. But she loved and lived her star word – Compassion.
When a friend came to visit with her, she beamed and gushed about how much that star meant to her.
“Can you see the light?” she asked with delight.
“Every morning when the sun comes up,” Mary said, “the light hits that star on the table, and it just shines! It is so beautiful!”
Mary’s star reminded her that she was a part of something great – FBC and God’s Kingdom.