Randy C. Ivey
I was rather perplexed when I received a star with the word “dance” on it. Being a good Baptist, I figured it definitely was not meant for me! Even as a young man I was not into dancing.
The stars were given out about the same time that our youngest daughter went back to work and we began taking care of our new grandson Lazarus, then 3 months old.
I had pondered on what to do about “that star” on our refrigerator often until I decided I could dance while holding Lazarus. Over the months, “Laz” and I danced often (and he got heavier and heavier). We listen to the local Christian radio station often each day and now that he is walking and running, he dances to his favorite songs all on his own as we clap and sing along.
Now at 16 months old, he is a much better dancer than I am!