Linda Collins
Tolerance has been my epiphany star word. The moment I picked my star and saw the word tolerance, my first thought was “God has a sense of humor”.
Tolerance is low on my list of attributes. My lack of tolerance is with the little things, such as not putting the grocery cart in a corral but leaving it in the middle of a parking space someone else might need. Simply not being courteous, thoughtful, or respectful of the needs of others is where I lack tolerance.
So, this year has been a challenge as I have journeyed life day to day. I have kept my star in my Bible as a reminder each and every day that God expects me to be more tolerant of others. Each day I pray for tolerance. Because of heightened awareness of the need for tolerance, I have come to realize that I cannot control others or their behaviors; I can only control how I react.
Each day I have been reminded to have tolerance and some days I am successful but other days not so much. No doubt God placed the right star in my hand that Sunday morning.