‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Matthew 22:37-39
The goal of spiritual formation ministry is that we become people who love. People who love God and others and themselves generously, compassionately, sacrificially, and wholeheartedly. People who love like Jesus.
To love well, we need to be people who pay attention to what God is doing and wants to be doing, in us and around us. That’s why retreats are so important.
Retreats help us to create space in our lives away from the noise and the busyness where we can stop, breathe, and rest. They provide space for us to listen for God, to understand our own thoughts, and for God to breathe new life into us.

Upcoming Events
- May 16, 2025, 7:00 AM – May 18, 2025, 11:00 PMShenandoah National Park, VA, Virginia, USACome be a part of a two-day, 18-mile lodge-to-lodge hike in the beautiful Shenandoah Mountains along the Appalachian Trail. In the tranquility of nature and in the company of fellow pilgrims, set aside this time this spring to journey with God in mind, body and spirit.
Upcoming pilgrimage in 2026
Spain Pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago
Spiritual pilgrimages are an opportunity to move out of our comfort zones and set aside time, apart from our normal routines, in unfamiliar places, to walk with God and with one fellow pilgrims. Together we will walk about 68 miles over six days on the Camino Espiritual, also known as the Arousa Sea Route, a spiritual variant of the Camino Portugues, from Vigo to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
The route follows the path that the Apostle St James' body is believed to have taken to Santiago de Compostela. It includes a boat ride across the Arousa Estuary from Vilanova de Arousa to Padron.
Dates will be set and registration for the pilgrimage will open in Spring 2025. If you would like to be added to an Interest List to receive updates on the Pilgrimage, email Jayne Davis at
Rev. Jayne Davis
Associate Pastor Discipleship
Before joining the FBC staff in 2001, I was the Executive Director for the New Hanover County Partnership for Children (Smart Start), Good Shepherd House Administrative Director and Coalition for the Homeless (NYC) Assistant Director. I am married to Wes Davis. We have four children, Kayla, Christian, Meredith, and Annie.