Spiritual Formation Ministry
As we have prayed about and discerned the focus of Spiritual Formation ministry at FBC, four powerful pillars have emerged as undergirding the work that is before us. These words capture four truths we need to understand and
embrace at the core of our being.

We are...
We are all made in the image of God and nothing can separate us from God’s love.
We are connected to God at the core of our being and can be in a relationship with God.
We are called to receive and to offer the forgiveness that has already been given to us.
Our brokenness does not define or diminish us. The lovely and the unlovely of our lives are held gently in the hands of the One who makes all things new.
Retreats & Weekenders
‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Matthew 22:37-39
The goal of spiritual formation ministry is that we become people who love. People who love God and others and themselves generously, compassionately, sacrificially, and wholeheartedly. People who love like Jesus.
To love well, we need to be people who pay attention to what God is doing and wants to be doing, in us and around us. That’s why retreats are so important.
Retreats help us to create space in our lives away from the noise and the busyness where we can stop, breathe, and rest. They provide space for us to listen for God, to understand our own thoughts, and for God to breathe new life into us.
- May 16, 2025, 7:00 AM – May 18, 2025, 11:00 PMShenandoah National Park, VA, Virginia, USA


What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a powerful tool for increasing our awareness and understanding of ourselves and others. It is an ancient resource that helps us to understand how our personalities are shaped, what motivates our behavior, and how to get out of our own way. It also offers a rich path for the soul work needed to love God, ourselves, and others more.
Below are some of the opportunities to engage in the Enneagram in 2024. If you have questions, feel free to contact Jayne Davis. Check the website,
E-connect, and Kingdom News for registration openings.
Once you know your Enneagram type...
2024 Enneagram
Type Cohorts
Each of the nine Enneagram ego types will have a cohort that meets once a month to talk about ways they are noticing their type in their thought patterns and behaviors. It is an opportunity to share stories about Integration and Disintegration in strength and stress, ways you are learning to be more present, and areas where you’re struggling to do so. Most cohorts will meet by Zoom but some will meet in-person. These cohorts are open to anyone who has a basic understanding of their Enneagram type.
The Harmonic Triads & Relationships
FBC Activity Center
Enneagram types belong to triads in addition to the Centers of Intelligence. The Harmonic Triads group Enneagram types by how they cope with conflict and difficulty – the Positive Outlook Group (2s, 7s & 9s), the Competency Group (1s, 3s & 5s), and the Reactive Group (4s, 6s & 8s). This two-hour workshop will explore these Harmonic Triads and ways they can help navigate conflict in relationships. Participation in the Introduction to the Enneagram seminar or a working understanding of one’s Enneagram Ego Type is necessary for this seminar.
Monthly coaching calls for those who would like to engage in a six-month Enneagram coaching process. For those who understand their Enneagram type and would like to work through particular areas of struggle or growth. Limited spaces available. Contact Jayne Davis.
Rev. Jayne Davis
Associate Pastor Discipleship
Before joining the FBC staff in 2001, I was the Executive Director for the New Hanover County Partnership for Children (Smart Start), Good Shepherd House Administrative Director and Coalition for the Homeless (NYC) Assistant Director. I am married to Wes Davis. We have four children, Kayla, Christian, Meredith, and Annie.