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Sunday Worship

We believe worshiping God is a journey that changes us from the inside out. As followers of Jesus Christ, we desire to make worship a part of our everyday lives. Our worship services are prayerfully designed to inspire encounters with God that will bring us deeper into our faith. Join us each week for worship online and in-person.


Sunday Services

Modern Worship
Sunday 9:00AM

Led by our Worship Band and Ministers, our Modern Worship service features contemporary worship music and is designed to connect worshippers with their faith in engaging and dynamic ways. 

Sunday School
Sunday 10:00AM

Small groups are the place where relationships are formed, prayers are shared, and lives are shaped as we look to God, Scripture and to one another for encouragement and guidance.

Traditional Worship
Sunday 11:00AM

Led by our Chancel Choir, Organist, and Ministers, our Traditional Worship service is a reverent and timeless experience designed with hymns, litanies, and prayers that honor the rich heritage of worship. 

Date of Sermon:

Jan 19, 2025

9AM & 11AM | Live Online


John 2:1-11

Rev. Barrett Owen

Jesus’ first miracle in the Gospel of John is turning water into wine. He’s at a wedding reception in Cana and the party runs out of wine, so Jesus fixes the problem by making more wine than the party needed. Multiple themes emerge within this story, none more important than Jesus brews the new idea that in God’s home, there will be abundance, not scarcity.


We are located in historic downtown Wilmington on the corner of 5th and Market Streets (near the fountain and the Bellamy Mansion).

Parking is available along the streets and offices adjacent to the church building. There are handicap spaces in our parking lot behind the church. There is also parking in the garage below the JoAnne Carter Harrelson Center off of 4th Street.

Upcoming Events

For a full list of our church-wide events, visit our events page.

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