Worship Arts Ministry
Sing. Play. Dance. Draw. Write. Create.
Worship isn’t just about singing or music. Worship is the way we recognize and respond to the holiness and glory of God. The Worship Arts Ministry exists to inspire communal and personal worship that praises God, imitates Jesus, and recognizes the Holy Spirit. Our goals are to encourage musical and artistic creativity, offer opportunities for the integration of God-given gifts and talents into the life of the church, and teach worship as a way of life through worship practices that focus on mind, body, and spirit. We do this through ensembles for all ages.
An ensemble is a group of musicians, actors, or dancers who regularly perform together. Ensembles are also groups of items viewed as a whole rather than individually. The Worship Arts ensembles regularly contribute to our worship services and encourage musical and artistic means of expressing faith as individuals and as a community.
To learn more about any of our worship ensembles, contact Rev. Dr. Tracie Jernigan.

Sunday Morning Ensembles
Worship Band
Sunday 9:00AM
The Worship Band is a group of skilled musicians who offer their gifts weekly in the modern worship service. Our band is made up of guitarists, keyboardists, drummers, and vocalists. This is an auditioned ensemble that meets weekly.
If you are interested in playing an instrument or singing with our praise team, contact Tracie Jernigan.
Chancel Choir
Sunday 11:00AM
The Chancel Choir meets weekly and provides quality choral singing and hymn leading in the traditional worship service. This ensemble also prepares major works and special programs throughout the church year such as Christmas at First Baptist and Easter Sunday worship. Any person age 16 and older is welcome to attend rehearsals on Thursdays at 7:00PM in the choir room at our downtown campus.
If you are interested in joining our Chancel Choir,
contact Tracie Jernigan.
Student Jam
Sundays 4:30 – 5:30PM | 6-12th grades
Student Jam is an ensemble for 6th – 12th graders that helps students make connections between their faith and their musical and artistic gifts and talents. It meets seasonally on Sunday afternoons and welcomes students gifted in music, visual art, graphic design, creative writing or screenwriting, acting, and anything else we haven’t thought of!
Kids Choir
Sundays from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Begins March 2
FBC Activity Center
Our Kids Choir meets seasonally on Sunday afternoons to sing, play instruments such as handchimes, read music, practice stage presence and public speaking, develop rhythm skills, and practice vocal techniques. Each session includes modern worship, hymns, choral anthems, and the integration of the arts with a growing faith. Children from 1st through 5th grade are
welcome to attend.

Preschool Music
Wednesdays during CrossTraining
Ages 0-4
Babies through Kindergarteners have music time during CrossTraining on Wednesday nights. This fun experience includes singing, motions and movement, instruments such as egg shakers and rhythm sticks, and lots of fun. The children work on beginning to match pitch, repeating simple intervals, and keeping a steady beat.
Handbell Choir
This ensemble meets seasonally to prepare handbell music for worship.
Trained instrumentalists in our congregation are valued leaders in the 11:00AM worship and special services throughout the year. They provide solo work, accompany choral anthems, and participate in our seasonal events such as Christmas at First Baptist.
Christmas at
First Baptist
Christmas at First Baptist combines the musical talents of the Chancel Choir, instrumentalists, and members of the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra. In addition, we open participation up to church members not regularly serving in Choir and local vocalists and musicians. All ages of men and women from teenagers to senior adults make up this special group of musicians.
Christmas at First Baptist is a musical gift to the community presented by the FBC Chancel Choir and a full orchestra. There is no cost to attend, but at each of the three performances, a special collection is taken to benefit Habitat for Humanity. This generous giving allows First Baptist to partner with Habitat to build at least one home for a special family in our community during the year.
Rehearsals for Christmas at First Baptist begin in August, with three performances over one weekend in December.
Rev. Dr. Tracie
Minister of Worship Arts
I’m Tracie, and I’m so excited to be back in Wilmington! My husband, Nick, and I moved here as newlyweds in 2010. Our sons, Charlie (12) and Sam (10), were born at NHRMC, so returning to our church family at FBCW feels like coming home. I’m a Texas born-and-raised gal and attended Baylor University for a Bachelor in Church Music in Organ and a Master of Music in Church Music. I also earned a Master of Divinity at Baylor’s Truett Seminary. I recently continued my education – at another school with a bear mascot – by completing a Doctor of Ministry in Theology and Worship from McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University. I’ve served in worship ministry for 28 years, most recently at The Summit Church in Sylva, NC.
I have a passion for incorporating the arts - music, visual art, performance art, all the arts! - into worship and spiritual expression for all ages. Share your artistic gift with the church and we will worship God together!

Upcoming Events
For a full list of our church-wide events, visit our events page.